2 results for month: 12/2020

‘I Hate It Here’ – Our Experience At Penally Barracks

Last week, Asylum Justice visited Penally refugee camp in Tenby, West Wales, which currently houses between 150-250 asylum seekers. The camp is an old disused army barracks in Penally, West Wales, where the conditions and management have been labelled as shambolic, inhumane and dire. The camp has been the subject of intense scrutiny, including media coverage and local protests, and the far right has also tried to make the Penally camp a focus for racist mobilisations at the gates, designed to harass and intimidate the asylum seekers housed inside. And Penally isn’t the only military barracks currently being used to house asylum seekers; the ...


Wendy came alone to Wales just over a year ago. She threw herself into her local community and made many friends. Asylum Justice represented her at appeal earlier this year, and we’re overjoyed to say she has been granted refugee status. She shared with us a bit about what Asylum Justice did and what it meant to her: “Before I found Asylum Justice – my last lawyer had rejected my case. I was so sure about my case. Thank goodness, Asylum Justice was too. Asylum Justice took my case and they analysed it. I was amazed by how my lawyer really dedicated his time and effort to understand my case and to gather evidence from my home country....